Friday, 13 November 2020

Summer learning journey - Art Colouring book #2

 Here is the second one I have done. I enjoyed this one more because it is more intrecide. I found it challenging to fill in all the tiny spaces because there was so many of them and it was very tiring and a lot of clicking! Next time I would try and copy the original art piece. The original piece is by Vincent Van Gogh. Here is how mine turned out and what the original one looks like.

The original



My one

Summer learning journey - Art book

 For cybersmart today we have been learning about the summer learning journey. We had to watch videos  on how to use Art Colouring Book and how to download our image and blog. we had to follow the steps without the teachers help. I enjoyed and found it easy to colour my image and follow the steps. I found nothing that challenging.  Next time I would choose a different image.

This is the original one by Mohammed Melehi 

This is my one


Thursday, 12 November 2020

Reading - How to light a fire without matches

 This week for reading our group has been reading a book called "Camping in the bush"  Its about a family going camping and they forget a lot of important thing so they have to make them out of stuff around them.

Our task was to I explain how to make something in steps. Anieke and I explained how to make a fire. It had the instructions in the book which was easy and clear to follow on how to make a solar barbecue which helped us with the layout. I enjoyed and found it easy to explain what you need. I found it challenging to think of what I was going to explain. Here is the GIF Anieke and I made.

Friday, 6 November 2020

Tui ridge Camp 2020 GIF

 Last friday we got back from Camp it was SPECTACULAR because all the activities were definitely not what I was expecting they were way better!
We did lots of activities at Tui Ridge (which are in the GIF) then we went to Paradise Valley, Kuirau Park, the Luge and gondola and the Aquatic Centre which we did separately. 
To make my GIF I used Talltweets I found it easy to use this app since I have used it before. I found it challenging to copy and paste all of the photos because there were tons of them! 
Here is the GIF Sarah and I made.

Tui ridge - Camp thank you letter

  Last week we went on a  camp to Tui Ridge which is in Rotorua. we are writing thank you letters to the people who helped make this camp possible. I chose Tracy, our groups adult and Sione's mum.

My favourite activity was the Flying fox. The flying fox was not only fun but it was amazing and it felt relaxing to be above the trees and I can see why its called the flying fox because it really feels like your flying! I found it easy to choose who I was going to write to and to copy and paste it onto my blog. I found it challenging to finish on time. Here is my letter and photo collage.

5 November 2020

Dear Tracey,

I am writing this letter to you to say a big thank you for volunteering to come to our school camp at Tui Ridge with us. You have been truly amazing. We wouldn't have been able to do all these activities without your help. We all had an amazing time but you made it even better!

One of my favourite moments at camp was zooming down the flying fox leaning back and letting go of the rope. Miss Hickling ran after me to grab my legs and I got a big wedgie from the harness.

So thank you so much Tracey for being so great to us and helping the teachers look after 70 kids.Your amazing!

Ngā mihi

Joan U

October student reflection

Today we have been doing our October Reflection to reflect on our learning this month. I enjoyed and found it easy to take the selfie and write about Camp.  I found nothing that challenging. My digital learning object shows that I can reflect on my learning. Here is my reflection.

Thursday, 5 November 2020


There was once a village in Taranaki called Parihaka. Parihaka was a special place because many different Māori tribes lived there and raised there family. Parihaka was also very special because it was a land of peace. There were two chiefs in the village called Te Whiti and Tohu.
 "We have heard that the soldiers are coming tomorrow to try to make us leave our land. The women will bake bread for them and the children will sing and dance for them."
The women baked 500 loaves of bread to share with everyone. On the 5th November 1881, When the soldiers arrived with their guns they saw the children of Parihaka singing and dancing in the road with white feathers in their hair. 
The children couldn’t stop the soldiers from entering the village and taking the people to prison, but they made the soldiers feel guilty. Te Whiti and Tohu got put in prisoned for 16 months without trial. All the houses of Parihaka were burned down and all the crops got destroyed and new pakeha people started to move in. The pakeha put down pegs were they would live but the māori did not understand and pulled the pegs out because that was their land! but the pakeha didn't understand so they shot the Maori.
For our task we had to think, did fifteen hundred pakeha soldiers want to walk past the children singing and dancing and the women greeting them? How do we think they felt? Guy Fawkes is also on today but it happened in England. Parihaka is today but it happened in New Zealand. I think we should celebrate Parihaka instead of Guy Fawkes because Parihaka happened in New Zealand. What do you think?
I enjoyed and found it easy to create my feather. I found it challenging to know what I was going to write for my explanation of parihaka.
Here is how I thought they felt.